Old Fashioned - Cuban Creations
533 Toulouse St
New Orleans, LA 70130
Open Daily:
11AM – 2AM


Old Fashioned

There’s probably no other classic cocktail that’s more distinguished than the Old Fashioned. From its murky beginnings (the drink goes back so far that its origins will depend on who you ask and always vary greatly) to its repeated appearances in episodes of AMC’s Mad Menthe Old Fashioned drink has undoubtedly become one of the most popular cocktails of all time. 

Many refer to the Old Fashioned as the world’s first cocktail since one of the earliest definitions of a cocktail appeared in the early 1800s and was described as “a stimulating liquor, composed of spirits of any kind, sugar, water and bitters.” As new cocktails began to appear and bartenders back then experimented more and more, it is said that patrons began to ask for a more old-fashioned type of cocktail. This cocktail was essentially made up of a lump of sugar, Angostura bitters, ice, and American whiskey. Over time, it became known as the Old Fashioned recipe that is still very much loved and highly regarded today as one of the most popular drinks at Cuban Creations.

A truly great Old Fashioned today is a testament to a bartender’s abilities, and as one of the best cocktail bars in New Orleans, we’re pretty proud of our Old Fashioned. Add in the fact that we have some of the largest selections of whiskeys in the French Quarter, so you can customize your Old Fashioned to your liking. If you want to try this at home, here are some of our dos and don’t on how to make an Old Fashioned:

  • Those large spherical ice cubes that you see in bars have a purpose other than looking cool, and it’s to keep the drink from diluting too quickly. After all, nothing’s as bad as a watered-down Old Fashioned!
  • A garnish to a drink is always great, but keep in mind that the chosen garnish will make or break the cocktail’s flavor. An Old Fashioned is usually served with an orange peel but use only a sliver to keep everything balanced and in harmony.
  • Make sure you stir the sugar cube in properly, because no one wants to taste undissolved sugar crystals while sipping an Old Fashioned!
Old Fashioned new orleans